Cute, Little, Foreign MILF

Cute, Little, Foreign MILF Selling Nudes

Age 25
Boob Size 34B
Status Single
Orientation Straight
Lives In Pasadena
Occupation Student
Kinks Guys cumming..
Cute, Little, Foreign MILF

About Me

Born in South America and mother of 2. I am not easily impressed. Way smarter than I look. My super power is Love. Not the mushy fake kind of love. The real kind that is pure passion and is just felt rather than planned out. I can really read a person, see inside their soul and be whatever that person needs. I can literally touch your heart.

Tell me what you need, I’m here to serve you. <3

What I’m Selling

Buy My Custom Fansigns

Easy going… willing to hear and usually agree to the various arrangements requested. As every situation is different please send me a request of what I can do for you, how much you’re offering and I will respond back super efficiently with equal details. Pics/videos are not stored in a collection but will be taken on command.

Buy My Nudes

Easy going… willing to hear and usually agree to the various arrangements requested. As every situation is different please send me a request of what I can do for you, how much you’re offering and I will respond back super efficiently with equal details. Pics/videos are not stored in a collection but will be taken on command.

Buy My Dirty Knickers

Easy going… willing to hear and usually agree to the various arrangements requested. As every situation is different please send me a request of what I can do for you, how much you’re offering and I will respond back super efficiently with equal details.

Buy My Naughty Videos

Easy going… willing to hear and usually agree to the various arrangements requested. As every situation is different please send me a specific request of what I can do for you, how much you’re offering and I will respond back super efficiently with equal details. Pics/videos are not stored in a collection but will be taken on command.

Other Things I Am Selling

Easy going… willing to hear and usually agree to the various arrangements requested. As every situation is different please send me a request of what I can do for you, how much you’re offering and I will respond back super efficiently with equal details. Pics/videos are not stored in a collection but will be taken on command.

How To Buy

Venmo. Account info given upon request.

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6 thoughts on “Cute, Little, Foreign MILF”

  1. Whats weird is ..your profile description..just that alone i felt it..sounds stupid huh..but just your words have passion..ypu ever come to like to get my panties while still warm from the skin..

    • Hahahha. Because this website does not allow us to edit things on our own. I had to sum it up real fast, and just work with however they made our page. I even uploaded so-so photos. I swear this is top of the iceberg… thanks for seeing past my vague description. ?

      Please contact me if u need via email or text… it would be more effective.


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